Try It Or Die (3)
(week of March 21st, 2010) Pretty strong week this past week - it's worth having a look at the recent releases. But here's two that I enjoyed the most: Avatar Bumper Cars (80 MP) Sometimes it can get annoying when a trend starts to peak and the bandwagon starts to get full. Yes I am talking about Avatar games - that's me, Debbie Downer. Avatar games seem to have natural appeal to those who value their avatars and like the big-headed cartoony look, so we've seen a flurry of them come out lately. And I get it, I do. One other common theme is that the gameplay in avatar games is almost always very very basic. The avatar becomes the hook (and succulent bait), and the graphics, and then it's a matter of picking a simple theme and gameplay mechanic. So when an Avatar game works for me, it's usually because the simple gameplay mechanic is well-executed and enjoyable. Breaking through the opening unintentional negativity, the reason I chose Avatar Bumper Cars this...